dimanche 30 août 2009

Toujours les vacances...

Non, on s'est pas fait devore par un croco ! Mais on a des journees chargees et genialissimes !

Depuis Whitehaven, on continue a descendre la cote est et on a fait 3 jours de trip 4x4 sur l ile de Fraser Island. C etait juste indescriptible ! Des paysages a couper le souffle, la conduite des 4x4 sur des pistes de sables defoncees, camping au bord de la mer, baleine, dauphins, raie manta, serpent (peut etre un taipan). de la folie !

Depuis, on enchaine avec la plage, notamment de bonne session surf comme aujourd hui a Noosa.

Et la on continue, pour Brisbane.

Plein de nouvelles photos sur Picasa !

samedi 15 août 2009

Route vers le sud

Quelques nouvelles photos sur Picasa depuis notre depart de Cairns.
Apres une croisiere sur la grande barriere de corail et un brevet de plongee pour bastien, nous commencons notre descente de la cote est.
Et pour l instant nous ne sommes pas decu...

mercredi 5 août 2009

Des nouvelles du Kakadu..en anglais..ca fait plus couleur locale

July 15th, 2009

A TOURIST drove straight into a croc-infested river after mistaking a boat ramp for a low-level crossing in the NT Outback.

The woman managed to escape through the windows of her four-wheel-drive and wade to the safety of the banks as the vehicle was flooded with water.
Police said the New South Wales woman had driven down the East Alligator River boat ramp, thinking it was Cahill's Crossing, in Kakadu National Park, when the car submerged under water about 9am on Friday.
When officers from Oenpelli police station arrived shortly afterwards they said a number of curious crocodiles had already gathered around the vehicle.

Territory Duty Superintendent John Ginnane said the woman was "stupid and lucky at the same time".
"It appears one of our southern tourist types has driven down the boat ramp thinking it was Cahill's Crossing, even though they look completely different and are far away from each other," he said.
"There were a couple of giveways that it wasn't the crossing - firstly, the lack of an exit on the other side of the river and the large expanse of mud at the end of the boat ramp and the obvious signage."

Supt Ginnane said it wasn't until the car started filling up with water that the driver realised something wasn't right.
"She was very lucky she was able to get her window down and scramble out to safety without coming face to face with a crocodile," he said.

"Given the amount of crocodiles in the area at the time, she got out just in the nick of time."
He said the mishap should remind other road users to check maps and ask local police or community members for directions in remote areas if unsure.
Armed officers stood on the banks to look out for crocs while police and Kakadu park rangers used a local government grader to recover the four-wheel-drive.
Police said it was unlikely the woman would be charged.
Nous sommes aussi passe par la..mais le van etait reste sur le parking... Pour les images se Cahills crossing c est sur picasa...( et oui encore de nouvelles photos...)

mardi 4 août 2009

Ratrapage express

Nous voici maintenant a cairns apres avoir fair un leger detour dans le centre rouge pour voir le fameux cailloux...
Au programme du queensland : pluie entrecoupee de quelques rayons de soleil...mais bon cela ne nous empeche pas de partir en croisiere dans 2 jours.. a nous la grande barriere de corail et ses poissons...
Quelques nouvelles photos sont disponibles sur picasa...